
Brainsight®, Polaris tool files, Firmware Updates

Please enter your serial number to download software or update customer and contact information:

The serial number could be one of several formats:

  • For Brainsight 2.x, it should be of the form: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  • For Brainsight 1.7.x, it should be of the form: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • For firmware updates for our NIRS device, it should be of the form: NIRSxxxxxx-yyyyy
  • For firmware updates for our cTMS device, it should be of the form: CTMSxxxxxx-yyyyy
  • For firmware updates for our Vet Robot device, it should be of the form: VRCTxxxxxx-yyyyy

For Brainsight, select the “Brainsight->Enter/View Serial Number…” menu item to open the serial number window and copy the serial number from the serial number text field. For firmware updates, use the hardware’s serial number, which should be displayed on the back of the device.

User Manuals

Brainsight QuickLook Generator

Quick Look is a macOS feature that allows one to view detailed thumbnails and previews of files on your disk. Plug-ins can be developed to support various file formats. We have developed a plug-in to support the medical image file formats commonly used with Brainsight and other medical image-based applications. It supports MINC1, MINC2, DICOM (using the .dcm extension), PAR/REC, Analyze and NIfTI file formats. Unfortunately, due to conflicts with DICOM images without extensions, they are not supported.

Rogue Research makes this software available to anyone free of charge, and makes no claims as to the stability of the software (use at your own risk) nor its suitability for any purpose.

Note: this supports macOS 10.13 High Sierra through macOS 14.x Sonoma. macOS 15.x Sequoia is not supported because Apple has stopped supporting such plugins. If you are interested in us updating this software to support Sequoia, please contact us.

Download the latest version (version 2.5.8, released 2025-03-28)